

Thank goodness it's Thursday! Thursday's are my wind down days from the crazy week... Get caught up on a million things! Today my joys are...

My amazing hubby being a great example and went running. Even though even his eyelashes got frosty!

We are finally getting good at morning prayer. This morning we plopped on my bed that was covered in laundry. Owen blessed dad to be able to make money at work today (along with lots of other great things)... And Trevor had a very successful day! Seeing us all on our knees together (even if surrounded by mess!) makes me so happy!

Seeing Zach's hilarious sentence! 

When I came back from helping at the school early this morning, there was this! What an amazing hubby I have!

We got to have our buddy Heath over! It was so fun to watch Kayden play with a boy his age!

I love that these two can sit down to a table of playdough or puzzles and be content!

Spinach, kale, apples, craisens and low fat poppy seed!!

My visiting teacher was able to come over today. Joy in making new friends! (And I love the real life picture Kayden somehow took!)

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