
Day Eleven of 2016

I am noticing the more I am focusing on what I have to be joyful about the more joy I find!

There was a little bit after lunch that Zach and Hannah and Kayden ran around in sunglasses and set up chairs like they were driving somewhere. I love those happily playing times! 

Zach cracks me up. He looks 20 in this!

The big boys were so excited for their friend party.... Playing in the snow!

With a hot chocolate bar! (Which was a huge hit!)

I like to keep things super simple... It's more fun for everyone at our house! The boys were told they could pick 2 friends, and when Cameron couldn't decide between people- I let them invite 3. So Cameron invited Cort, Ean and Bentley. I love how blonde the three of those boys are! And Owen invited Byron, Ezra and Daxron. And the three younger kids had to be involved too!!

There was about 10 minutes that they all say still and watched Minions. Ean, Cameron and Cort are such good buddies. I hope they stay friends forever. Seeing Cameron with two kind, good friends at his side- brought me so much joy!!!

We just finished the boys' bedroom downstairs, but haven't been here long enough to make it past that. Every time I give someone a tour of the house, when I get to this part of the basement I say, "And we'll leave all of this open to be a playroom. Hopefully a place where all the teenagers want to gather and play." 

When I came down and saw all the boys playing basketball in MY house- I was so excited! My dream is coming true!

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