
Living in the Moment!

Hello! I know it's been years... And years... And years. I find myself (in many areas of my life) feeling like I can't start a project if I don't catch up on the many things I've missed, first. So I would consider blogging and then get overwhelmed about making up all the time I've missed. I have changed my mind... The longer I put off starting because I am not making up what I've missed- the more I just flat out miss!!! 

I had a moment today that I thought- this is a great moment! I should start keeping track of great moments! What better way to do that than right here?! So my brand new, starting today, resolution- is to post something JOYOUS everyday. In hopes to help me find the positive and the gratitude that there is to be found, each and every day! 

And I won't be mad at myself if I don't have time to add a lot of explanations or long stories- but simple, everyday joys begin- NOW! 

Her hair bows matched the sunglasses and bib they gave her!

I was able to get him from scared screaming- to happy, wide mouth, count your teeth, lion ;)

Kayden is famous! My flyer was spotted by Hannah at the grocery store!

My sweet hubby had the most successful year of his career in 2015!

Zach stayed in control of his emotions! And wowed me at how far he's gotten on his puzzle!!

I actually made dinner! 

"Go Cameron Go!" Sounded so sweet... Even though it was just practice!

Sweet Cameron listened to and followed every word his coaches said!!!

Happily playing... Melts my heart!

Daddy had to work late, so the little ones made him 'mail' and put it on his pillow. As I was getting them to bed, Hannah said, "I want Daddy to give me a goodnight kiss." 

Yay for so many happy moments in one day!

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