
Going Private

So I have so much to post (and vent:) about. Cameron and Owen just got their tonsils out and Zach has croupe. Being a constant (and patient) waitress, nurse, and maid 24 hours a day gets wearing. But let's be honest... I wouldn't trade it for the world and am so glad to have them to take care of!

And I will post about it all soon... when sleep and I mend our relationship :O)

But, point at hand, I want to make my blog private, but don't know how. So those of you that do, could you please comment and tell me? And I will make sure to get invites to all of you. It makes me feel so good to know that you all look at my blog. And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about with private blogs (like parents and grandparents), I will explain it as soon as I get it figured out. You'll still get to check up on me anytime!

(This pict is our recent attempt to make a camp fire... you can't see it, but we're pretty much surrounded by snow... LOL)

Please send us your prayers and angels while we work on healing and continue to work through finding answers to Cameron's blood tests.

Much love!!!


Jenni S said...

OK, to make your blog private:
1- go to Settings
2- to the far right click on Permissions
3- there is a question that asks "Who can view this blog?" and you click on Only these readers.
4-in the box you type in all of the e-mail address you want to invite separated by commas, click invite and your done!

e-mail me if you are totally confused! Hahaha - oh and I'd LOVE to be "invited" :)

Trisha said...

I'd love an invite of course ;)

If you need some in person assistance, just let me know.

We love you guys! Get better soon!

Jenny said...

please send me an invite

Marcy M Miller said...

Send me an invite- hotmarcymay@yahoo.com

I hope the boys are feeling better. I'm sorry that Zach had to get sick too. Let me know if you need help.

The Clarks said...

You guys are always battling so much - you are one strong woman to make it through all of it! It looks like you've got plenty of help figuring out how to make your blog private, but don't forget to invite me!


Bridget said...

I hope everyone gets better really really soon. You guys are such an amazing family and I loved getting to know all of you. My e-mail is compute_iq@yahoo.com if you want to add me when you go private.

Kris Hewitt said...

Looks like everyone's got it covered. My email address is kristyhewitt06@gmail.com. I would love to keep up with how things are going in your life. I still remember how amazingly in love with you Trevor was (and I'm sure is ever moreso now) when you guys were getting married. I also just wanted to let you know that you helped inspire a desire for me to lose some weight. So here I am after my first pregnancy at 165 and falling. Again, you are amazing.