
Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was a little rough because of Trevor and I's injuries and some change in plans with sitters unavailable- but overall it was a great day full of I love you's!

The kids in school got dressed up for their Valentine's Tea- 

This is Cameron trying to smile with his eyes open :)

Owen (as usual) had to pick every aspect of his outfit. But he turned out pretty darn handsome!

The two 'bros' (as they call eachother).

Cameron invited Zach into the picture (which honestly melted my heart)! I was telling Owen to squint more and Cameron to widen more... Ya, it didn't work :) 

Then I told them to both kids Cameron on the cheek. I love this picture!

I went to the Elementary school and helped with Valentines Tea. I had brought this list of etiquette questions- but then they had some for us. 

Cameron and Kasey (who is also a twin). He (along with all the first graders) was soooo embarrassed that he had to pull out her chair and serve her cookie. It was hilarious. 

Being 'the teacher' for all of these sweet classes really made me miss teaching. My sweet friend Kathy that was also their helping said, 'You're really good at this! You should be a teacher!' It was so nice of her... And maybe when all my time isn't spent teaching my own kiddos :)

The second block I was helping the babies had to come so Trevor's injured ankle didn't have to move :)

They loved the cookies too!

When Zach got home from preschool he was excited to show me all his valentines and treats. He's been back in preschool for a few months and it has been so good for him!

Then when the boys got home they all had to assess and compare!

Then it was in house date night time! We outdid ourselves with the dinner! This is Trevor explaining to Owen about the lobster tail. Cameron's like me and did not want to hear a word about it!

Owen was really excited to help me make the table cute (he didn't like the word romantic)

So we had artichoke and dipping sauce, lobster tail and garlic butter sauce, pasta and a creamy wine Parmesan sauce, asparagus and salad. It was super yummy!

The kids' adrenaline rush from the day was starting to ware off right about now.

I had presents for the kids. Each present had a clue in the tag (ex. You are my sunshine- was Capri suns). They all got to pick one thing to eat before bed.

While they ate their great we sat in the living room and I shared what we all loved about eachother. The night before I pulled them all aside to say one thing they love about each person in our family. We were all exhausted, but it was my favorite moment of the day. Just expressing our love to eachother and being greatful for one another. I'm so glad we videoed it too!

Their favorite present (that they did the next morning) was their secret codes. I wrote on paper with a white crayon and they had to paint it to see the words. They thought I was so tricky!!

And it's all because 2 people fell in love!!!

Injured or healthy, rich or poor, hot or cold- we love eachother more than words can express! We're both just so thankful to love and support eachother in all things and work really hard to raise these sweet spirits we've been entrusted to!

Happy Love Day!


Jenni S said...

I love that you did a super fancy dinner with everyone. Too cute! What a fun day. Sorry about all the injuries!

pmiracles_111 said...

Wow! What a fun valentines! You sure are good at teaching your boys how to treat a girl! They will be such good husbands some day!