
Fiddle Sticks

On Thursday night all through the night I had waves of sharp pain in my right abdomen/pelvis. It continued through Friday. By Saturday it had mostly stopped and stomach pain and nasea had taken over. We had a big day full of soccer, Easter, and celebrating my brothers birthday. I laid down often- but pushed through it all best I could. Easter Sunday I spent the day in bed and then had dinner at my in-laws. When we got home I was so dizzy I couldn't get out of the car. My nasea sky rocketed. The next morning, Monday, I still felt sick. So I finally caved in and went to the doctor. 

My amazing mom met me there. He concluded that I had gastritis and to eat bland foods and let him know if my pain increased or I fevered. 

That night, right as we were putting kids to bed, my pain and nasea doubled me over. I sat in the bathroom trying to manage it- feeling like I never would be able to get myself through it. I told Trevor to finish getting kids in bed and then to help me. When he came back in I asked him to help me in the bath to see if that would help the pain. (I don't remember this part) As he lowered me into the bath I passed out. Because I don't have health insurance there's a hard balance of knowing the best thing to do. We eventually got my pain manageable enough and decided to stick it out at home with percacet and prescription nasea medication. I felt good enough to drink a little and have a bowl of popcorn- the most nutrients I'd had all day. We were hopeful for a good night with the help of the medicines. 

A couple hours later (about 1:00 am) I woke up in crazy pain again. I didn't want to wake up Trevor who was already so sleep deprived from the previous nights of helping kids so I could sleep. But then my face started going numb and I was getting confused. I woke him up in case I passed out. Luckily I didn't. He helped me through pain again and got me set up on the laziboy with a bowl in case I threw up. I put on pandora and focused on the music to distract from pain. (Sounds like I was in labor, right?!) I was able to sleep for small chunks and woke up every other hour with intense pain all through the night.

That morning,Tuesday I went back to the doctor-- things had definatly gotten worse. My sweet mom came and picked me up early and took me. I was woozy and couldn't formulate words or sentences very well. After the doc checked me out he ordered lots and lots of labs. While they were getting them all scheduled my mom got a call with some very bad news. Bless her heart- she still stayed with me. Wheeled me around in the wheel chair from lab to lab, Jamba Juice and medicines at the store, and back home. The ultrasound of my gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and artery all looked great. My blood work came
back good.

I took a Prilosec and dreadfully tried my jamba. At that point I was scared to death of eating or drinking- that is what got my pain bad in the first place! The medicine seemed to help! 

At this point the doctors are still saying gastritis (which is inflammation and sometimes lesions in the lining of your stomach/intestines). I just got my last lab done this morning to see if something called H.Pylori is causing it (or if it's ulcers). If it's positive I'll need an antibiotic.

I am writing this mostly to point out how loved and blessed I am. The most obvious is that it wasn't an organ and I'm home in my own bed. The rest is the amazing angels that surround me; My mom has been by my side ready (and does) to do anything I need. She's missed days of work and does exactly what I need before I can even ask. My amazing husband has missed three days of work to be with kids (and even on no-tv week I might add!) He's been so great to be kind and loving to them and so unselfish. He does  anything I need whether I ask or not. He still held soccer practice for the team we're coaching, taught the boys how to play horse in basketball, caught some darling moments of the babies on camera, and found a new book to read to them at night. My visiting teachers have drivin, dropped off, and picked up many kids many times! They've kept kids after school and drove to birthday parties. They've brought dinner. Even a mom from our soccer team brought us dinner! (She didn't know what she was getting herself into cooking for us!) My sweet kids have been patient and kind. In our morning prayer this morning I kept thinking I really wanted a prayer for me, but didn't want to worry the kids more. Right as I thought that, as Cameron was praying, he said "And please bless Mommy that she can feel better and we can help her if she needs it." 

My cup runeth over.

(Last night Trevor asked me what I wanted- anything I wanted. Eating still scares me and I read that coconut water was the most healing thing I could have. So he got me soups, lots of flavors of coconut water, juice, Gatorade, and bananas. I tell you what- when I can eat normal again I'm having a whole pizza to myself!)


1 comment:

Jenni S said...

Seantae! I am SO sorry! That sounds so painful. I hope you get better very soon. Glad you are resting, that is going to help you heal a lot faster.