

Happy Monday!

Only 18 days into the new year and I finally went running! 

My joy (besides doing something awesome for me!) was that my first mile was way faster than I expected to be!

And when I got home Trev had already made me breakfast! He brings me lots of joy... And good food :)

Kayden found one of the books we'd recorded our voices reading... It was so sweet to see their faces light up, "That's you and Daddy reading!"

Because they had the day off the big boys asked me if they could go running too. I let them go for a mile! When they came back they asked if they could play in the snow since they were already wet. It makes me so happy to see what good buddies they are!

The three big boys had dental checkups. It took FOREVER. I rarely let the kids do things on my phone when we're out and about or waiting. But after two hours and dinner starvation... I needed something for us all! Kayden was watching Daniel Tiger when the dentist (awesome Dr. Webber) came out to give me the update on them all. Kayden somehow switched and took his picture- I didn't even notice. Then mid sentence Dr. Webber says, "Did you just take a picture of me?" We all burst into laughter. 

Laughter makes me happy. 

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