

On Tuesdays I teach four classes- so it's always a very busy, fulfilling day. Today I had lots of joys...

This amazing view from our road. What a beautiful morning it was!!

In class we were talking about the emotion of anger. I asked the kids to show me their angry faces. Hannah squeezes her face so hard tears came out. It cracks me up!!!

My momma got the little ones mail!!

These two peas in a pod! Kayden is so similar to Owen- and reminded me of mini me when he started making faces tonight!

Our family reward for doing jobs last week was a 'spa night'. We soaked our feet with home made bath bombs, got a foot and leg massage, had a mediation minute, and painted nails. 

Cameron took the meditation really seriously. I love how calm it made him. 

Zach was too far from his feet on the couch... So he sat on the floor ;) 

I only had a small window of time before I needed to leave for class to teach, so I had Trevor 'assembly line' with me. I was busy giving foot messages and looked over at the greatest joy of the day- daddy daughter moments. That makes my heart sing! He painted all 20 of her nails willingly and sweetly! 

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