

Happy new week Monday! I had so many joys today! 

When we were at WIC I told Hannah her name started with an H and traced it on the wall. A few minutes later she said, "Look, I made an H!" 

Then Kayden (I didn't know they could do this!) made an H and an O- by name!

On my morning run my jawbone (it's like a fit bit) fell off. Trevor and I both went back and looked many times. I was bummed I lost it! Then- on my way home from getting Zach- I saw it on the road!!!

Homemade guacamole :)

Trevor got us a bed for Christmas... But then half of it was on back order. It finally came today!!

I got to watch my friends girls- three sets of twins in our house for a couple hours!

The kids wrote my mom and step dad letters to send to Texas. I wasn't involved at all besides getting them the supplies out. Sweet Owen wrote to Opa, "I hope you're earning money because it's not worth it to go away from family and don't earn money. With love, Owen." 

Kayden was crying and Cameron went right over to help him!

The kids wanted baths in the dark... But not too dark. So I let everyone use a candle! They loved it!

My mom had sent a package for the little ones. When we were setting up Kaydens new awesome batman projector light, he told me that he sometimes sees monsters. Zach came in when we were talking and I asked Zach what he does if he feels scared. He very compassionately told Kayden that he reads books when he's scared and helped him pick a book to keep in his bed. 

Trevor had to work late, but when he got home he came home with these!!!

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