
January 23

Yay for Saturday's!  Being all together is the best joy ever!! 

We got to cheer for Cameron at his basketball game!

I'm so proud of myself. It took hours upon hours... But I finally bit the dust and went through the boxes of books. 14 boxes to be exact. 

I'm reading 'the life changing magic of tidying up' and its message really resonates with me! I love simplifying the process and simply asking each thing if it sparks joy within me. 

After 14 boxes of kids books (how in the world did we get that many?) I packed 8 full boxes to go to DI! Looking at this shelf with just books that we all like... Sparks so much joy!!!!

And somehow, after all of that, we still managed to clean up the house and sit down and eat a homemade cooked meal! (Yes... Trevor made it!)

I am working on increasing my desire to read. It's so fun to see that the boys are all increasing theirs as well! I peaked over and all three boys were totally obsorbed in their books! (Zach is on the couch that you can't see) 

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