
One Twenty One

My first joy of the day is that we didn't have to go anywhere!!! We're all so used to being busy that all day long Hannah and Kayden kept asking me 'Where are we going?' 'When are we leaving?' 'Do I need to hurry and get my shoes on?' It was hilarious!

I was so excited to have a minute to work on committing to putting up pictures/decorations in the little ones room!!!

I am in love with the middle picture of them walking holding hands!!

Having a girl makes me so happy!!

It makes me laugh every time Zach does pretty much anything.... It's always very orderly. He was so proud of his very symmetrical creation :)

I am in love with this picture. He's making a rocket ship! 

Hannah fell asleep during quiet time and when she woke up I was working on my website. She sat in my lap all snugly for like 15 minutes! 

Once she woke up she sat next to me and worked on Zach's puzzle. Her fingernail polish makes me so happy!

When I was making dinner she got out the forks and laid them out on the counter while she said everybody's name- just to be sure she got the exact right amount! (Her bed hair from sleeping is awesome!)

For One of Zach's homework assignments he picked eating something black and white... I think brownies with whip cream is always Zach's joy!

While I was putting dishes in Owen drew Zach a dragon and then Zach was showing Kayden how to do it. I love when the trickle effect is a positive one!

I know I've shown Kaydens drawings- but when I saw this painting- I was smiling ear to ear!!

We were all so excited for going to bed in a newly cute room! Even Cameron noticed the pictures, 'Wow Mom! You must have worked hard today!'

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