

Our Wednesday's are now really busy!!! But yet- there are still so many joys to be found!!

Zach taught Hannah and Kayden how to make a birds nest out of their play dough. (Zach put up his age in fingers because he wanted to make sure I put the picture in his birthday slideshow!)

While Owen was getting his allergy shot we ran over to vacuum the van. When we went to walk over to get some change, Hannah told me we had to hop. She said 'The picture says we have to hop now'

On our way to drop Owen off at scouts, we saw this!

(Am I the luckiest ever to have this view?!)

After we ran the 3 big brothers all over the place and got ready for bed, sweet Kayden was asleep before I even got to his second song! I'm so greatfull for days so busy and full of joyous things!

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