
Owen's Allergy Testing

We were thrilled that Owen's glasses were the first piece to the puzzle. But he still has a chronic sinitus that the ENT has been on the hunt to figure out. He wanted to start with allergy testing. 

So on March 25th we went to the Allergy Clinic at the Specialty Hospital. He was nervous, but waited like a champ.

They had a bunch of these trays-- each circle with a different possible allergen; from trees to molds to foods.

They took the trays and 'stamped' them on his back. (Really this was just a nice way to say he got 60 mini shots of allergens).

Then they labeled them with numbers.

Then we waited. He was a champ. He got to pick a movie- Rio- and did really well not moving or itching for the 25 minutes.

Afterwards they wrote down all his results (they measured the control histamine and then measured anything else that hives up). Our insurance wouldn't pay to get the results the same day... So we had to just go without knowing anything from it. While I had him in town we ran over and got his glasses fixed. Because he's done so awesome I let him get something from the vending machine. He'd never done that before and he loved picking E4.

A week later we had the follow up appointment to get the results. I got to bring all the cuties with me because it was spring break.

The results were good and bad. We may have finally found the reason for his constant sinus infections... But it will require quite the treatment. (This is upside down). He will be taking two medicines and nose spray every day.

They also reccomend shots once a week for a year and a half.

Outside if the trees, grasses, and molds he's also allergic to green peppers, strawberries, corn, and cocoa. The news of removing more foods from our diet took me a few days to digest.

It's been 6 days since we got the results and after mulling it all over, talking to him, and asking staff many questions- this will all be great. He will still be able to eat those foods, just sparingly. And he is onboard and ready to take medicine and get shots (he's such a tough cookie). I've been kind of a mess thinking about it all- but seeing this picture melts my heart. I would go to the ends of the earth to help get this smile! 


Anonymous said...

Hey Lady. Your kiddos are so tough! Owen looks awesome in his new glasses. Tell him the Workmans like them :). Sorry about the allergies :(. Be careful with the testing and meds though. I just learned about a few studies at my new job where they did extensive allergy testing on one individual lady. They then sent it in to get the results but they sent it multiple times to multiple labs under different names even though it was all from the same one lady and every lab came back with a different list of allergies. Even when multiple lists came back from the same lab the results were different. Hope they nailed it for you though. Hope you are having a great day!!


A little Birdie... said...

Seantae- I just have to tell you how grateful I am I met you at Wingers FOREVER ago! You are inspiring to me and everytime I read your blog (and rarely comment!) I resolve to try harder to be a better mother. You are awesome! And I'm glad someone still blogs :) Your kiddos are absolutely darling, and despite all the down moments I can still see so much positive you bring out in your lives. Thanks for being YOU!