
Last day of January

I can't believe January is already over. Sunday is my favorite day ever!! Today my joys are...

That Trevor made me this super healthy quinoa breakfast. 

That my brother and his girlfriend called and said they will babysit for Valentine's Day. I literally started crying on the phone. 

That Beth totally flies to Trevor. Ha ha ha!

That I had time to cut everybody's hair- including my own!

Here's Trevor's after haircut, not shaven yet, picture. 

That Kayden still has baby hair and it's so thin and fluffy when I cut it. And that I still haven't cut Hannah's - but that she has to do what her brothers are doing so I hold the cutters upside down so she can feel them vibrating like I'm really cutting ;)

That Owen knows exactly what he wants and doesn't care that I use Bobby pins to do it ;)

After... The handsome devil!

That this goofball wanted to try something new.  

And that he know looks 15! (Like the array of sweaters shed before the haircuts that are still all over the floor!)

That Hannah's hairs finally long enough to French braid!!

Her eye lashes! Serious joy. (And slight jealousy) 

That my babies are still young enough that a long car ride lulls them to sleep. 

That when we drove to Tremonton... There were 4 bald eagles to see!!!

That when Cameron grabbed the funnies from the newspaper to read that Kayden, without a word, grabbed some papers and sat down right next to him ;)

That when I was singing hymns while Trevor played the piano at his parents house that Kayden came and sang 'I love to see the temple' with the sweetest voice and without missing a note or a word! 

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